Franklin Regional School District Home


We, the Franklin Regional School community, strive for excellence, learning, achievement, and citizenship in all we do.

News & Announcements


FR Panther Foundation Innovation Grants

The window opens on Thursday, February 6th for FR staff to apply for a 2025-26 Innovation Grant. Click below to be redirected to Panther Foundation page for details...

2025 S.T.R.E.A.M Expo - Save the DATES!

Yes, that's correct! This year, we will hold our annual hands-on STREAM Expo over TWO EVENINGS! Mark May 13-14 on your calendar. Save those dates! More information to follow in the spring!
Social Media

Follow FRSD on Social Media

CLICK to learn our handles and be sure to follow us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube. Our monthly board meetings are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel. News, STUDENTS, announcements, STUDENTS, awards, STUDENTS, activities, get the idea! :)

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We are committed to excellence. Students, families, staff, administrators, and community partners work every day to make our school more vibrant, rigorous, creative, adaptable, and fun.
We are committed to learning as a multi-faceted, life-long process and the focus of everything we do. We expect everyone to develop knowledge, skills, and self-awareness.
We are committed to growth in academics. We promote, recognize, and value our accomplishments.
We act with integrity and in an ethical and responsible manner. In this way, we promote each person's ability to be a productive, contributing, thoughtful, respectful, and socially responsible citizen.