Human Resources » Volunteer in Our Schools

Volunteer in Our Schools


Volunteer opportunities include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Musicals
  • Marching Band
  • Plays
  • 1:1 Tutoring
  • Field Days
  • Field Trips
  • Athletic Coaches
  • Class Celebrations




Initial Clearances must be dated within 60 months. They must be resubmitted every 60 months from the date of clearance.


  1. Volunteer Application - Select Apply next to the specific school's volunteer application you wish to volunteer at; multiple schools can be selected during the completion of the application.

  2. Child Abuse Volunteer Clearance – No cost – 1-877-371-5422

  3. PA State Criminal History (PATCH) Volunteer Clearance – No cost – 1-888-783-7972

  4. FBI Fingerprint Criminal Background Clearance - Fee Involved - 1-844-321-2101
    To register and schedule an appointment click
    here and use either of the below registration Service Codes:
       * Department of Human Services Volunteer Service Code 1KG6ZJ - $23.25
       * Department of Education Employee Service Code 1KG6XN - $26.20
    Please remember that an Employee clearance can be used for employment and volunteering, however, a Volunteer clearance can only be used for volunteering.  We accept either of these clearance types.
    Once your registration is complete, take your registration form to the fingerprinting location you selected during registration.  


    Volunteer Residency Affidavit (click here)
    can be submitted as an alternative to the FBI Clearance if you meet the following criteria:
    • You will always be volunteering directly under the supervision and direction of a school administrator, a teacher or another member of the school staff.
    • You have never been convicted of a disqualifying crime in Pennsylvania, or the corresponding offenses under the laws of any other jurisdiction, and you have lived in the state of PA for 10 years or more.
     If you will be unaccompanied with students or chaperone a field trip, you will be required to obtain an FBI Fingerprint Criminal Background Clearance; the volunteer residency affidavit form is not acceptable (per Franklin Regional School Board Policy: 916 Volunteer Policy).

  5.  A TB test is required for volunteers who have direct contact with students for 10 or more hours per week.


All necessary paperwork must be submitted online via the Volunteer Application; paper copies are not accepted.  All questions can be directed to your building secretary or emailed to [email protected].


For more information on volunteering, please read our FAQ document.