Health Services » Immunizations


Immunizations Required by PA Law:

The following immunizations must be completed and verified by the school nurse before the start of school.

Children ENTERING SCHOOL  need the following vaccines:

  • 4 doses of tetanus* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)
  • 4 doses of diphtheria* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)
  • 3 doses of polio (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose given)
  • 2 doses of measles** (given after 12 months)
  • 1 dose of mumps** (given after 12 months)
  • 1 dose of rubella (German measles)** (given after 12 months)
  • 3 doses of hepatitis B
  • 1 dose of varcella (chickenpox) vaccine or history of disease

            *Usually given as DTP or DtaP or DT or Td
          **Usually given as MMR

Children ENTERING 7th GRADE also need the following vaccines on the first day of school:

  • 1 dose of tetanus, diptheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap). If 5 years has elapsed since last tetanus immunization.
  • 1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MVC)

For attendance in 12th Grade students need the following on the first day of school:
        1 dose of MCV on the first day of 12th grade.  If one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that shall count as the twelfth grade dose. 

The vaccines required for entrance, 7th and 12th grade continue to be required in each succeeding school year.

The 8 month provisional enrollment period has been removed.  Documentation of all required immunizations are due on or before the first day of the school year.

Medical, Philosophical and Religious exemptions must be submitted in writing to the School Nurse.

Pennsylvania's school immunization requirements can be found in 28 PA.CODE CH.23 (School Immunization)


Contact your health care provider or 1-877 PA HEALTH for more information