Title I Family Brochure
The Title I program, available at Franklin Regional Primary School, is a supplemental K-2 instructional program designed to improve students’ reading skills and academic performance.
The Title I teachers work closely with other classroom teachers to support each student's instruction. Instruction is provided in both the regular education classroom and small groups outside the classroom.
The Title I teachers work closely with each student's family to provide information regarding his/her needs and progress, strategies to support student learning, and supplemental materials for use in the home.
More information regarding the Title I program is available in the documents below and the additional pages in this section of the website.
The Title I teachers work closely with other classroom teachers to support each student's instruction. Instruction is provided in both the regular education classroom and small groups outside the classroom.
The Title I teachers work closely with each student's family to provide information regarding his/her needs and progress, strategies to support student learning, and supplemental materials for use in the home.
More information regarding the Title I program is available in the documents below and the additional pages in this section of the website.