Multi-Factor FAQs
Multi-Factor Authentication FAQs
1. Can I use Google/Microsoft authenticator for this? No, due to some concerns with Google and Microsoft's ability to multi-factor different devices, the District decided to standardize on Cisco Duo.
1. Can I use Google/Microsoft authenticator for this? No, due to some concerns with Google and Microsoft's ability to multi-factor different devices, the District decided to standardize on Cisco Duo.
2. What happens if I forget my cell phone? You will need to contact the Tech Department and they will need to allow you to bypass the login prompt. Next year we will have a 24/7 helpdesk, where you will be able to submit a ticket or make a phone call to the helpdesk to bypass the login screen.
3. Do I have to use an app or could I get a text? You will have a few options for authenticating. Both the app and the text options will be available.
4. Will this be required every time we log in? Yes, it will be required every time you log into a computer.
5. Is there a way that our badges could be used for MFA? The badges will not work to authenticate someone to a computer. The only way is to use the app, text message, or a hardware token.
6. Can we use security questions to authenticate? No, the only methods available will be a code generated on your phone from the app, a hardware token, or a text message.
7. I would like another option other than a phone. You can use a hardware token. The District will provide one for you, but if it is lost you will be required to purchase a new one. The cost for a hardware token is around $30.00.
**View the video below to see how the hardware token will work.
8. Should the district provide a phone for this purpose? No, the District will not provide phones for this process. If you do not want to use a phone or if you do not have a phone, you will need to use the hardware token.

8. Should the district provide a phone for this purpose? No, the District will not provide phones for this process. If you do not want to use a phone or if you do not have a phone, you will need to use the hardware token.
9. If I already use the district's authentication app, will it be the same one or another new app? No, when we implement the MFA, we will need you to turn on MFA if you are already using it for your District account.
10. Is it possible to link with our badge? It is not possible to link the badges at this time.
11. Is there a web or text-message-based version of MFA, or is adding an app our only option for our phones? There will be a texting option.
12. Will students need MFA as well? At this point, the insurance carriers are not requiring students to use MFA.
13. There are some rooms/areas in the MS where phones do not get service. Would this interfere with our ability to log onto our computers? This should not be an issue as you can generate a code with the app. Also, if your phone is connected to WiFi, it will still work.
14. Who is our contact if we have an issue? We will have a few avenues for assistance. Next year we will have a 24/7 helpdesk available for any issues and you will be able to call or submit a ticket for assistance.
15. Do you know if there is a minimum operating system for the smartphone app? I have a 9-year-old smartphone that sometimes won't hold certain apps. In this case, you will use the text feature to receive your login code.
15. Do you know if there is a minimum operating system for the smartphone app? I have a 9-year-old smartphone that sometimes won't hold certain apps. In this case, you will use the text feature to receive your login code.
16. Is there going to be a different log-in process if we are using our school computers off-campus (ex: during a flexible instruction day)? No, you will use the same method as you would use here at work.
17. Will I need to carry my phone all day or will this be a one-time log-in for the day? You will need your phone or the hardware token every time you log into a computer.
18. Can you use both concepts - use the hardware token but if you forget it at home then I can use my phone? No, you have to choose a method. If you forget the hardware token or your phone, the IT Department will have to assist you in bypassing the login prompt.